Project: 5Bird
A dungeon-crawling shmup project. The Byproduct strives from room to room, overcoming puzzles & those who aid the five alchemists, in order to reclaim its physicality.
Use [W, A, S, D] to control the Byproduct
Shoot & melee with [Spacebar]
Slow down & lock direction with [Shift]
Use shadow nova bombs while on bomb tabs with [Alt]
This clears projectiles and recovers lost health
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This jam version of Project 5bird features a prototypal first dungeon, as well as the first alchemist. Created for the Pirate Software - Game Jam 15, by Roseharpy members Truthweave & c. anf-A using original assets in the Godot Engine.
Go to the Game Design Document
Largely inspired by the alchemic allegory of the five birds, sourced from Adam McLean's 1979 article "The Birds in Alchemy", as well as the process of caput mortuum.
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Really cool visual style